This forum has no set timeline or plot. You can create your own by starting a thread. Please keep your threads neat and coherent, ie. minimal spelling or grammatical errors and please establish timeline in the first post. Some standard forum rules also apply such as: no profanity or foul language, and no spam.
Also, some ethical rules apply. Nobody gets to be the uber-almighty-powerful demigod; No eruptions of petty argument during a roleplay, that's what PM is for; If a battle or personal dispute between two users or more occurs, none of that unethical "Kill you instantly by utilizing a weakness I made up" stuff. Also if users do battle to the death, they should go to the Hell/purgatory forum for a while, and do a bit of roleplaying there to "earn" their life back, so to speak. An alternative to this could be to start a thread of your own, so as to not destroy the balance of the previous thread. Also, try and be at least semi-original. We don't expect you to be completely and extremely creative every time, but here at Lost Insticts, we like to push creativity to its limits. And try to stay in-character on the roleplay threads. Normal chat is fine--in the lounge or in the chatbox. Also try to follow the implied boundaries that the thread author has set in place.
I know it seems strange to be placing limitations on your roleplaying experience, but it keeps things from being inconsistent, and ultimately makes things more enjoyable.