Velvet approached the walls of Asylum de mort in complete awe. These were where her fellow people were, if only they shared the freedom she had. She approached the gate and smiled at the several security gaurds at the front.
"Asylums closed. Come back tomorrow." "Sorry M'am"
Velvet puckered her lips and frowned. "Oh poor babys are all alone in the ever will they get to sleep without my bedtime story?"
The gaurds looked at eachother with confussed looks when one spoke up
"Listen lady..come back tomorrow! or we'll have to escort you out!"
Velvet put her hand on the gate and her eyes glowed a purple-ish blue. She softly said "How will you men be able to escort me out when you're all suffering hysteria?"
Right then, all seven men held their hands to their head and started hysterically laughing with glee. They scratched at their skin and pulled at their hair, never stopping their laughes.
Velvet jumped over the gate and blew a kiss to the several men walking back and forth and sitting down.
"I'm sorry loves..."
She approached the long doorway and peered inside..